League Meetings DateTypeDescription 07/08/2018 AGM We mourn the loss of 2 league stalwarts this year - Alex Dakiniewicz and Laszlo Farkas. 08/08/2017 AGM The Herbert Pacey tournament now in its 13th year was held on Saturday 8nd July 2017 09/08/2016 AGM The new poly table tennis balls will be used for season 2016/17 12/08/2015 AGM Three rule change proposals 14/08/2013 AGM New tables acquired 08/08/2012 AGM Thanks goes to Terry Tresadern. 06/07/2011 AGM It came to the attention of the league that 4 of their members had achieved more than 50 years of membership. 07/07/2010 AGM The season fees will change this year inline with the ETTA new player membership. 01/07/2009 AGM The youngsters of the town continue to gain success around the country with both county teams being mainly Grantham players. 02/07/2008 AGM 3 divisions will be the format for next season. 04/07/2007 AGM A number of errors within the Handbook have been identified. 05/07/2006 AGM At national level Grantham dominated the Junior Premier team for Lincolnshire. 06/07/2005 AGM A new trophy - The Herbert Pacey Memorial Trophy. 07/07/2004 AGM Development saw the conclusion of the Sunday coaching ran by Howard Knott. 02/07/2003 AGM The 11 up scoring system had not caused any problems. 03/03/2002 AGM No urgency from the membership to pay their fees. 04/07/2001 AGM Lengthy discussions regarding the proposed introduction of the new scoring system. 05/07/2000 AGM The ETTA have voted to adopt the new size ball (40mm) from July 1st 2000. 02/07/1997 AGM This was a year in which the League lost control of the Table Tennis Centre. 03/07/1996 AGM Malcom Simms read out a letter received from the council which showed the committment that SKDC has to table tennis and its future in Grantham. 05/07/1995 AGM As envisaged the proposal to increase the fees to £14 per player met stiff opposition. 06/07/1994 AGM Registration fess are the same as last season with £28 per team and £4 per player. 01/07/1992 AGM Mr P Cameron stated that the league should support the centre by staging its events at the centre. 03/07/1991 AGM It was reported that the shell of the building was almost complete and that the league would officially take over on 1st January 1992. 1967 AGM Mr John Mapletoft proposed that each individual club to sell Grantham FC draw tickets. 07/09/1966 AGM A letter from the Notts secretary was read. 1965 AGM The Chairman said he had visited various clubs. 03/09/1964 AGM The question of printed score sheets were refered to. 1963 AGM The dates for the annual KO comps were suggested. 10/09/1962 AGM The Secretary reported that it had been a record year. 11/09/1961 AGM The league is in a sound financial position. 19/09/1960 AGM The league now seemed to be getting steadily stronger. 18/05/1967 Committee A letter from the ETTA ammending the service rule. 27/04/1967 Committee Sub committee formed to organise the printing and design of the leagues handbook. 20/03/1967 Committee The league sanctioned the purchase of 3 table tops from BMARCO. 02/03/1967 Committee A letter sent to the town clerk expressing thanks for permission to use the town crest. 02/02/1967 Committee The inter-town team to play Mansfield was selected. 18/01/1967 Committee The secretary asked if it would be possible for a summer league. 21/12/1966 Committee Cranwell A player also played in their B team. 1966 Committee A mixed doubles competition was also to be held. 21/09/1966 Committee His worship could not accept the position of vice president position. 14/09/1966 Committee It was proposed that 21 people from the league should be invited to a private trial. 10/02/1966 Committee Gifts given by committee members. 05/01/1966 Committee The match secretary was instructed to arrange any out ot town matches he could. 17/12/1965 Committee As the majority of members had to leave the matters were held over to the next meeting. 08/09/1965 Committee It was decided to have 2 divisions. 09/12/1964 Committee The young conservatives had been visitedand that they have 2 teams. 01/10/1964 Committee Posibilities of a handbook being printed were discussed. 10/09/1964 Committee Proposed to have fixture list printed at the local stationary. 14/01/1964 Committee The matter of affiliation to the ETTA were raised. 31/01/1963 Committee A vote of thanks to Mrs Wilson for the refreshments. 20/12/1962 Committee Grantham and District youth club requesting help in umpiring. 18/09/1962 Committee To arrange the divisions of the league. 1962 Committee We would give assistance to the Grantham and District Youth club assc. 07/11/1961 Committee Knock out entry fee remains the same as the previous year. 26/09/1961 Committee Discussed at length the handicap system for the KO comps. 19/09/1961 Committee Deciding the opening date of the league. 1992 Other Lease agreement for the Table Tennis Centre.